• Exhibition Belgrade in 1920s

    Opening: the 16th April 2024, Yugoslav Film Archive, 1 Uzun Mirkova Street, Belgrade Authors of the Exhibition and the Catalogue: Slobodan Mandić, Snežana Lazić, Dragana Mitrašinović Editor-in-Chief: Dragan Gačić MA Review by: Vladimir Dulović, Professor Radina Vučetić Associate: Dejan Radovanović Translation: Tijana Kovčić…
  • Exhibition My dream came true at last, and I was flying…

        In the entrance hall of the Historical Archives of Belgrade in March 2024 you will be able to see an exhibition inspired by the lives of prominent Belgrade ladies   My dream came true at last, and I was flying… Authors: Tijana Kovčić, Jelena Nikolić, Jelena Jovanović Design: Aleksandar LazovićPrinted by: …
  • Architectural Culture in the Interwar Belgrade

    Opening: December 21st 2022, Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade Authors of the Exhibition and the Catalogue: Snežana Lazić, Jelena Mitrović KocevEditor-in-Chief: Slobodan MandićReview by: Dr Vanja PanićAssociate: Dejan RadovanovićEditing: Nataša NikolićDesign of exhibition panels and catalogue: Zorica SmilovićExhibition opened by: Goran…
  • Exhibition Russian Emigration in Belgrade 1920–1950

    Opening: 1 February 2022, Russian Center of Science and Culture “The Russian House”Author of Exhibition and Catalogue: Prof. Aleksej Timofejev, Dr Milana Živanović, Slobodan MandićEditor-in-Chief: MA Dragan GačićReview by: Aleksej Arsenjev, Prof. Irina Antanasijević, Dr Goran MiloradovićTranslation in Russian Language: Dr Aleksandar A.…
  • Exhibition Petar I Karađorđević (1844–1921) – 100 Years since the Death of the King

    To mark 100 years since the death of king Petar I Karađorđević, the Historical Archives of Belgrade prepared a publication and an exhibition in the entrance hall of the Archives, presenting the most significant events in the life of the beloved Serbian king.The life and reign of Petar Karađorđević were marked by the rivalry of two Serbian…
  • Exhibition Coats of Arms of the City of Belgrade and Belgrade Municipalities

    Opening: 24 December 2019, Gallery of the Historical Archives of BelgradeAuthor of Exhibition and Catalogue: Marko PerićReview by: Dragomir AcovićEditing and proof editing: Nataša Nikolić MATechnical Support: Violeta Jovanović, Branislva Popović, Bojan KocevDesign of exhibition panels: Zorica NetajDesign of the catalogue: Vladimir…
  • Exhibition Theatre at All Times

    Opening: 1 November 2019, Ethnographic Museum Belgrade, 3 December 2019 Serbian National Theater Novi SadAuthors of Exhibition and Catalogue: Mirjana Odavić, team leader; Zoran Maksimović, Miroslav Perišić, Jelena Kovačević, Snežana LazićImplementation: Association of Drama Artists of Serbia, Museum of Theater Arts of Serbia, Museum of…
  • Exhibition “Belgrade in 1918. Liberation of Belgrade in World War I”

    Opening: 1 November 2018, Gallery of the Historical Archives of BelgradeAuthor of Exhibition and Catalogue: Slobodan MandicReview by: Prof Dr Milan RistovicEditing and proof editing: Natasa Nikolic MAAssociates: Irena Kolaj Ristanovic, Snezana LAzic, Dragana Mitrasinovic, marko Peric, Isidora StojanovicTechical Support: Violeta Jovanovic, Bojan…
  • Mihailo Obrenovic 1823 – 1868, 150 years since assassination of the Prince

    Opening date: 8 June 2018, entrance hall of the Historical Archives of BelgradeAuthors of the exhibition and publication: Jelena Jovanovic, Tijana Kovcic, Jelena NikolicArt and layout: Aleksandar LazovicTechnical support: Bojan Kocev Printed by: PressiaPublished by: Hisotrical Archvies of BelgradeFor the Publisher: Dragan Gacic…
  • Exhibition Music in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia

    Opening: 15 December 2017, Gallery of the Historical Archives of Belgrade, 23 December 2024, Historical Archives of Veroslava VelaševićAuthors of the Exhibition: Irena Kolaj Ristanovic, Dragana MitrasinovicReview by: Prof Dr Sonja MarinkovicAuthor of the Introductory Study: Ivana Miladinovic PricaTechnical Support: Jelena Nikolic, Violeta…
  • Exhibition “Banjica Concentration Camp 1941–1944 – Prisoners from Požarevac and Braničevo County

    Exhibition opening: 20th September 2017Editor-in-chief: Dr Jasmina NikolićAuthor of the catalogue: Isidora StojanovićAssociates on the catalogue: Dr Jasmina Nikolić, Snežana LazićAuthor of the exhibition: Isidora Stojanović, Snežana Lazić, Dr Jasmina NikolićAuthors of the electronic catalogue: Dragan Šaler MAReviews by: Dr Ivana…
  • Exhibition Belgrade- An Ancient City

    Opening: 25th May 2017, the Gogolevski Boulevard, MoscowEditor-in-Chief: Dragan Gačić MAAuthors of the exhibition: Dragan Gačić MA, Mirjana Obradović, Zorica NetajDesign: Zorica NetajPhotographs of modern Belgrade by: Čedomir ŽarkovićWelcoming speeches on the opening ceremony: Ivona jevtić, Secretary of the City Secretariat for Culture,…
  • Exhibition “Volodja has come back”

    Opening: 8 December 2016 - Gallery of the Historical Archives of Belgrade, 12 august  2017 - Senta City MuseumEditor in Chief: Dragan Gačić, MAAuthor of the Exhibition and the Catalogue: Isidora Stojanović, senior archivistAssociates: MirjanaObradović , Zorica Netaj Technical support: Violeta Jovanović, Bojan KocevProofreading: Vesna…
  • Exhibition Tourism in Belgrade between the Two World Wars

    Opening: 26 October 2016, the Sava Promenade, KalemegdanEditor-in-Chief: MA Dragan GačićAuthor of the exhibition: Snežana Lazić, senior archivistAssociate: Jelena Mitrović Kocev, archivistTechnical support: Violeta Jovanović, Bojan Kocev, Svetlana Milić, Zorica NetajEditing: MA Nataša IlićTranslation into English: Tijana KovčićDesign:…
  • Еxhibition Liberation of Belgrade – 70 years after

    Opening date: October 12, 2014 in the Gallery of the ArchivesEditor in chief: Mr Dragan Gačić, MAAuthors of the exhibition and guide: Snežana Lazić, Slobodan Mandić, Vladimir Mijatović, Jelena Mitrović Kocev, Mirjana Obradović, Isidora StojanovićDesign: Đurđija BorovnjakGraphical solution: Vladimir MijatovićInformatics technical…