Three day event within the project Escalating into Holocaust - from Execution Squads to the Gas Van of Sajmiste: Two Defining Phases of the Holocaust in Serbia will be held in Belgrade from 20th to 22nd April 2016. The project is financed by the EACEA of European Commission, and the main applicant is Historical Archives of Belgrade. The project was supported also by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia and Belgrade City Administration – Secretariat for Culture.
Press conference presenting the project will be held on April 20th in the Historical Archives of Belgrade. The project will be presented by Dragan Gačić MA, director of the Archives, Vladan Vukosavljević, city secretary for culture, Nevena Bajalica, project manager and other representatives of the partnering organizations. Exhibition "October 1941" will be opened in the Gallery of the Archives on the same day. Authors of the exhibition are Milovan Pisarri PhD and Nikola Radic Lucati from the Center for Research and Education about Holocaust. The exhibition will be opened by Mr. Yossef Levi, Israeli ambassador to Serbia.
On April 21st, second day of the event, International conference will be held in the Palace of Serbia regarding two themes "Holocaust in the Serbia and a wider plan to destroy European Jews" and "Holocaust and Porajmos in the regional culture of remembrance ".
On April 23rd, third day of the event, Historical Archives of Belgrade will host two workshops. Theme of a workshop organized by NIOD, Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies from Amsterdam will be "Archives of the Holocaust victims". Workshop "Graphic novel in learning about Holocaust" will be organized by an NGO from Sweden, Teraforming.
Main goal of the project "Escalating into Holocaust - from Execution Squads to the Gas Van of Sajmiste: Two Defining Phases of the Holocaust in Serbia" is to make available to the widest public so far unprocessed archival material relating to the victims of camp Sajmiste (Judenlager Semlin) throughout on line database. Results of the project will be presented on six events in Serbia, Sweden and the Netherlands, throughout exhibition, presentations and public debates, as well as a publication consisting of articles written by prominent international and domestic experts.