Second event within the project Escalating into Holocaust - from Execution Squads to the Gas Van of Sajmiste: Two Defining Phases of the Holocaust in Serbia was held in Nis on 22 June 2016.
International conference was held in the main auditory of the University of Nis. It consisted of three sessions with panel discussions with international and local experts. Topics of the conference were:
1. Execution squads in Serbia – Escalating into Holocaust
2. Anti-Semitism and anti-Roma racism – past and current European challenges
3. Europe 70 years after the Holocaust and other mass crimes committed by Nazis and their helpers – the role of remembrance and education
Historical Archives of Belgrade presented the work on the database of victims killed in the camp Sajmiste and Center for Holocaust Research and Education presented the exhibition “October 1941” that will be opened in September in Nis.
The project is financed by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), and the main applicant in the project is Historical Archives of Belgrade. This project was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic f Serbia and City Administration of Belgrade – Secretariat for Culture.
Video from conference