During 2018 Historical Archives of Belgrade published several editions containing significant archival material preserved in our numerous fonds and collections.
As a part of manifestation Days of Belgrade 2019, new editions will be presented on April 17th in the Roman Hall of the Belgrade City Library: Mirjana Obradovic, Guide through Legacies, Personal and Family Fonds of Historical Archives of Belgrade; Natalija Arandjelovic, The Diary 1915-1918; group of authors, The First World War – Thematic Guide through Fonds and Collections of Historical Archives of Belgrade; Vesna Lekic Popovic, Bibliography of the First World War – Library Fund of Historical Archives of Belgrade; group of authors, Victims of Jewish Camp Zemun.
As a part of manifestation Days of Belgrade 2019, new editions will be presented on April 17th in the Roman Hall of the Belgrade City Library: Mirjana Obradovic, Guide through Legacies, Personal and Family Fonds of Historical Archives of Belgrade; Natalija Arandjelovic, The Diary 1915-1918; group of authors, The First World War – Thematic Guide through Fonds and Collections of Historical Archives of Belgrade; Vesna Lekic Popovic, Bibliography of the First World War – Library Fund of Historical Archives of Belgrade; group of authors, Victims of Jewish Camp Zemun.
Publications were presented and discussed by professor Dr Milan Ristovic, Dr Milan Koljanin, Nada Petrovic, archival councilor, and MA Dragan Gacic, director of the Historical Archives of Belgrade.
Guide through Legacies, Personal and Family Fonds of Historical Archives of Belgrade, Mirjana Obradovic
Publication presents 56 legacies, personal and family fonds preserved in the Historical Archives of Belgrade. The legacies kept in the Archives were created by prominent families and individuals, public figures from political, cultural or scientific life. Their work and influences in political and social life in Belgrade in 19th and 20th century is documented in archival material. The purpose of this publication, of this informative aid, is to inform experts and researches as well as future archive material users, about creators of the fonds and legacies and about variety of archival material preserved in the Archives.
Publication presents 56 legacies, personal and family fonds preserved in the Historical Archives of Belgrade. The legacies kept in the Archives were created by prominent families and individuals, public figures from political, cultural or scientific life. Their work and influences in political and social life in Belgrade in 19th and 20th century is documented in archival material. The purpose of this publication, of this informative aid, is to inform experts and researches as well as future archive material users, about creators of the fonds and legacies and about variety of archival material preserved in the Archives.
Natalija Arandjelovic, Diary 1915-1918, Jelena Mitrovic Kocev, Marko Peric, Slobodan Mandic
Diary of Natralija Arandjelovic, a Belgrade citizen and a wife of Nikola J. Arandjelovic, Serbian officer, is a rare and valuable document testifying about everyday life, sufferings and surviving of a family in tormenting years in occupied Serbia in WWI. Besides events occurring in the city and information arriving from distant frontlines, Natalija writes about her own feelings for her husband, her children, her country disappearing in war and her life under occupation authorities. She is also discussing position of a woman in society and in family.
Diary of Natralija Arandjelovic, a Belgrade citizen and a wife of Nikola J. Arandjelovic, Serbian officer, is a rare and valuable document testifying about everyday life, sufferings and surviving of a family in tormenting years in occupied Serbia in WWI. Besides events occurring in the city and information arriving from distant frontlines, Natalija writes about her own feelings for her husband, her children, her country disappearing in war and her life under occupation authorities. She is also discussing position of a woman in society and in family.
The First World War – Thematic Guide through Fonds and Collections of Historical Archives of Belgrade, group of authors
For the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the First World War, a group of archivists of the Historical Archives of Belgrade conducted a thorough research with a goal to register all records preserved in the Archives that are related to the First World War. Results of the research are available online in a digital form of the thematic guide that is now being presented in paper. Archival material processed in this publication is classified in fonds and collections and it represents primary source for the researchers and all records gather together illustrate life from 1914 until 1918.
Bibliography of the First World War in the Library Fund of the Historical Archives of Belgrade, Vesna Lekic Popovic
Bibliography provides to all researchers an insight on how much it has been written about the First World War, considering the specific literature kept in the library fund of the Historical Archives of Belgrade. The bibliography contains editions published during WWI, between the two wars and editions published after the Second World War, from 1945 until 2017.
For the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the First World War, a group of archivists of the Historical Archives of Belgrade conducted a thorough research with a goal to register all records preserved in the Archives that are related to the First World War. Results of the research are available online in a digital form of the thematic guide that is now being presented in paper. Archival material processed in this publication is classified in fonds and collections and it represents primary source for the researchers and all records gather together illustrate life from 1914 until 1918.
Bibliography of the First World War in the Library Fund of the Historical Archives of Belgrade, Vesna Lekic Popovic
Bibliography provides to all researchers an insight on how much it has been written about the First World War, considering the specific literature kept in the library fund of the Historical Archives of Belgrade. The bibliography contains editions published during WWI, between the two wars and editions published after the Second World War, from 1945 until 2017.
Camp Sajmiste – Victims of Jewish Camp Zemun, Jelena Jovanovic, Tijana Kovcic, Vladimir Mijatovic, Jelena Nikolic
Edition Camp Sajmiste – Victims of Jewish Camp Zemun gathers for the first time in one place names of Jewish and Roma victims perished in camp Sajmiste, identified in the research of archival material preserved in the Historical Archives of Belgrade. This edition is to remind once again about horrific crime committed against one nation. Research results are also available in an on line database on Escalating into Holocaust project presentations.
Edition Camp Sajmiste – Victims of Jewish Camp Zemun gathers for the first time in one place names of Jewish and Roma victims perished in camp Sajmiste, identified in the research of archival material preserved in the Historical Archives of Belgrade. This edition is to remind once again about horrific crime committed against one nation. Research results are also available in an on line database on Escalating into Holocaust project presentations.