tablica2012wwwHistorical Archives of Belgrade participates in University working practice programme.
Belgrade working practice programme 2012 includes 21 institutions: 14 departments of the City administration, 7 institutions of culture and 3 Municipality of the City, providing professionaly supervised, four months working practise in realization of the City Administration and University of Belgrade.

Historical Archives of Belgrade provided training programme for the position of arhivists including arrangement and processing of documents, so the position of librarian.

pano koca

Exhibition is opened by Historical Archives of Belgrade and Library Vlada Aksentijević from Obrenovac.

The standing was prepared due to programme Koča Popović in permanent Serbian history and exhibited in the Library of Obrenovac so opened to the public from September 29 until October 13, 2011.

Documents, books and photographs of the Legacy, guiding through the life and work of the owner, so the time he lived in, ilustrate complexity and universality of Konstantin Popović personality and activity.


Sl 1Exhibition was opened by Historical Archives of Belgrade in cooperation with Municipal Historical Archives of Čačak during the August, 2011.

The standing was exhibited in the Art gallery Nadežda Petrović. Special segment of the standing presented showpieces illustrating the destiny of inhabitants originated from the territory of Municipality of Čačak and Lučani, during the World War II. The Exhibition Guide was adjusted to the changed setting.


bitef ekstremi

Exhibition is opened in Museum of Theatre Art of Serbia on September 14th 2011.

The standing includes photographs from 25 theatre performance, which represented a kind of extreme, due to time and place played in.
Photographs of performances belong to the Fond of BITEF kept in the Archives and owned for this occasion.