The Historical Archives of Belgrade has finished the work on the Jewish Digital Collection, a database available online in Serbian and English language.
The collection was created with the idea to gather in one place all material preserved in the Historical Archives of Belgrade which is related to the life of Jewish community in Belgrade in the last 200 years. The oldest document was created in 1751 and the latest in 1960.

A three-year research included the review of 60 archival fonds and collections preserved in the Archives created by government public and financial institutions, educational institutions, various associations, as well as material preserved within collections including the Collection of Registers of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
More than 60.000 records were processed according to the archival standards. Almost every record was digitized and it is possible to see more than 100.000 scans within the database. Having all this in mind, the Jewish Digital Collection became a unique source for the research of the history of Jewish community in Belgrade.
The collection can be accessed on the link and it can be searched by offered themes, fonds, names and by the year of creation.