The Repository includes digitized card register of the citizens of Belgrade and Zemun, church registers of births, deaths and marriages from the territory of Belgrade and registers of Zemun families from 19th and beginning of 20th century.

Since December 2021 the Digital Repository was updated with over 10.000 digitized documents – so called death reports, for victims who were killed or disappeared in the Second World War. These reports are kept within the documentation of the District People’s Committees and were created by the district Commissions for War Damage Claims. After the war all citizens were obliged to submit the claims on the damage caused to their property and also to register their family members who perished during the war. The reports registered victims who were killed by the occupational authorities or by the Ustasha regime, the victims who were killed in the concentration camps, who were missing or killed in battles.
Digitized reports of death are available via link