The workshop was moderated by Milena Popović Subić, archival advisor and head of the Legal Department of the Archives of Vojvodina. Mirjana Tukar, a judge of the Misdemeanor Appellate Court Department in Novi Sad explained the procedures how to initiate legal actions in cases when the archival material was not kept properly.
The participants of the workshop were archivists from the Archives of Vojvodina, Historical Archives of the City of Novi Sad, Historical Archives of Bela Crkva, Historical Archives of Zrenjanin, Historical Archives of Pančevo, Historical Archives of Senta, Historical Archives of Sombor, Historical Archives Srem, Historical Archives of Belgrade, Historical Archives of Čačak.
Jelena Nikolić, assistant director, Bojan Draškić, assistant director and Ružica Mandić, an archivist, from the Historical Archives of Belgrade attended the workshop.
Jelena Nikolić, assistant director, Bojan Draškić, assistant director and Ružica Mandić, an archivist, from the Historical Archives of Belgrade attended the workshop.