Novak Novaković (1928-1995), a journalist and screenplay author, longtime editor of the humor program of Belgrade Television. The Home TheaterHe is best known for his screenplays for the TV series Pozorište u kući (The Home Theater) and Servisna stanica (The Service Station) and a theater play Stolica koja se ljulja (The Rocking Chair). In a manner all his own, with lots of humor, he portrayed the daily life and the characteristics of the local milieu at the time of the quasi-affluence, from 1960s to 1980s of the last century.
The documents of the Legacy were handed over to the Archives by the wife of the legator, Svetlana Novaković, in 2002-2003. The personal fond of Novak Novak has been classified into 200 files and kept in 12 archival boxes.