Publisher: Historical Archives of Belgrade
Authors: Jelena Jovanovic, Tijana Kovcic, Vladimir Mijatovic, Jelena Nikolic
Associates: Slobodan Mandic, Dragana Mitrasinovic, Isidora Stojanovic
Review by: Dr Milan Koljanin
Editing and proofreading: Nataša Marković MA
Art and Layout: Vladimir Mijatovic
Design: Aleksandar Lazovic
IT support: Srdjan Orestijevic
Printed by: JP „Sluzbeni glasnik“
Circulation: 500
Authors: Jelena Jovanovic, Tijana Kovcic, Vladimir Mijatovic, Jelena Nikolic
Associates: Slobodan Mandic, Dragana Mitrasinovic, Isidora Stojanovic
Review by: Dr Milan Koljanin
Editing and proofreading: Nataša Marković MA
Art and Layout: Vladimir Mijatovic
Design: Aleksandar Lazovic
IT support: Srdjan Orestijevic
Printed by: JP „Sluzbeni glasnik“
Circulation: 500
Edition Camp Sajmiste – Victims of Jewish Camp Zemun gathers for the first time in one place names of Jewish and Roma victims perished in camp Sajmiste, identified in the research of archival material preserved in the Historical Archives of Belgrade. This edition is to remind once again about horrific crime committed against one nation. Research results are also available in an on line database on Escalating into Holocaust project presentations.