Editor-in-chief: Branka Prpa, PhD
Editors: archivist consultants Evica Micković and Milena Radojčić
Introduction study: Prof. Dr Ljubodrag Dimić, Prof. Dr Milan Ristović
Graphic design: Dragana Lacmanović
Issue: 2009

One in a series of books of Historical Archives of Belgrade, containing original archival materials came out of print. Archive materials of the Administration of the City of Belgrade – original evidence books of prisoners of Banjica Concentration Camp has been printed in two volumes: I volume: 707 pages; II volume: 830 pages, in 1500 copies.
camp complexIn the period from 1941 – 1944, in the territory of Belgrade existed four concentration camps. Most of the information is kept for the Camp of Banjica. Camp administration kept the evidence of arrived prisoners, in eight books kept in the Archives, containing personal data of prisoners of Banjica Concentration Camp. It's numbered data of prisoner's: name and family name, occupation, date and place of birth, parents name, marital status, address and residence, date of arriving and of whom were brought, information of theirs further movement.

Arhival documents are published in accordance with all methodological demands.funeral of victims Book also includes critical notes, which contributes giving the extra explanation, detailed ascertained through researches of archive materials of fonds kept in the Archives: fond of the Administration of the City of Belgrade – Special Police Department, fond of the Gestapo, than collection of memoirs and archival documents. The Books are followed by registers – alphabetical and geographical, so the explications of acronyms and unknown terms, sources of used literature. Photographs of the camp, German occupant and Serbian collaboracionist authority, camp administration, prisoners, scaffold, exhumation and photos of victims funerals made this edition special.

Most of the photographs were given to the public for the first time. The publication consists of introduction study which analyses idea of camp as "laboratory of totalitarian regimes" and historical point of view of expanding this idea among the camps situated across the occupied Serbia, giving the statistic overview of national, gender, age, social and professional structure of prisoners.

So abundant material provides to researchers possibility to "read" this part of history of the World War II in a methodologically enriched way, which took place on our land and to place it in time boundaries. Availability to this historical source implies us to think over the destiny of every victim of one dehumanized criminal system.

the word of the editor




Introduction study of Banjica Concentration camp-Books of Evidence of Detainees (1941-1944 ) in English was published in 2014. The publication includes studies of Prof. Milan Ristović, PhD and Prof. Ljubodrag dimić, PhD, so archive counselors Evica Micković and Milena Radojčić.