For the Publisher: Dragan Gačić MA
Editor-In-Chief: Dragan Gačić MA
Editors: Zorica Smilović, Mirjana Obradović, Snežana Lazić
Authors of the articles: Mirjana Obradović, Zorica Smilović, Snežana Lazić, Branislav Vučković, Bojan Draškić, Jelena Jovanović, Tijana Кovčić, Jelena Mitrović Кocev, Jasmina Latinović, Vesna Lekić Popović, Slobodan Mandić, Vladimir Mijatović, Dragana Mitrašinović, Jelena Nikolić, Marko Perić, Isidora Stojanović Teodosić, Sofija Čauš Milovanović
Graphic Design: Zorica Smilović
Photographs: Bojan Кocev, Zorica Smilović
Technical Assistance: Bojan Kocev
Editing and Proofreading: Nataša Nikolić MA
Printed by: Zlamen
Circulation: 1000
Historical Archives of Belgrade celebrated a grand jubilee on the 26th September 2020, 75 years since the establishment of the city archives. Тhe pandemic circumstances did not allow any bigger gatherings or celebrations. However, the anniversary was marked with an exhibition and a monograph.
The monograph Historical Archives of Belgrade 1945–2020 is divided in seven chapters.
The first chapter First 75 years describes the years before the Second World War and efforts of Marija Ilić Agapova, director of the Belgrade City Library who was promoting the idea of one Cultural Center gathering three cultural institutions: library, museum and archive.
Historical background of the Archives presented all statutory and legal changes, internal organization, important investments and biographies of all Archives’ directors.
The chapter Protection of Archival Material insists on the fact that the archivists are not responsible only for the documentation preserved within the Archives’ repositories, but are responsible also for the documentation kept and still used in the city institutions.
The Guardian of the Memories chapter provides an insight into the activities of the Sector for Processing and Use of Archival Material. 2818 fonds and collections are being sorted and processed by the archivists in order to make them available to the users in the Archives’ Reading Room and the Registry Room. The chapter presents archvial material, publishing activities and exhibitions prepared by the Archvies.
The chapter Digital Archives demonstrates the process and the goal of digitization of archival documentation. Five digitization projects are presented in the publication.
The monograph contains numerous photographs for every chapter and segment of Archives’ history.